AKC/ASCA Ch Supreme's DancingInTheDark
Sire AKC/ASCA GrCh. Premonition of Prestige |
Sire Ch Stone Ridge Lets Talk About Me |
Sire ChHeatherhill Montel Williams |
Sire Ch Brigadoons One Arrogant Dude |
Dam Ch Oprah Winfree ofHeatherhill |
Dam Ch C.R. Red Legend of Stone Ridge |
Sire Ch The Luminary of Stone Ridge |
Dam Ch Windogos C.R. Precious Star CD ATDd STDcs |
Dam Ch Red Obsession of Prestige |
Sire Ch Spring Fevers Private Jet |
Sire WTCH Gold Nuggets Contender CD |
Dam WTCH Ch Spring FeversContessa |
Dam Ch Obvious Class of Stone Ridge |
Sire McKays Boot Scootn' Boogie |
Dam Ch Prestige of Stone Ridge |
Dam AKC/ASCA Ch Supreme’s Ketch a Rising Starr |
Sire AKC/ASCA Ch. Supreme’s Ketchum If You Can AX MXJ NF JS-E RS-E GS-E ECC EAC EJC |
Sire Ch. Supreme’s Certain Affair CDX RTDs ATDds |
Sire OTCH Ch. Donegal Certain Success UD STDds |
Dam OTCH Ch. Starswepts Gala Affair UDX |
Dam Ch. Windhills Crowning Glory |
Sire Ch. My Main Man of Heatherhill |
Dam Ch. Windhills Crimson Glory |
Dam Premiere’s Supreme Star AX MXJ NF NCC NAC NJC RS-O JS-O GS-O |
Sire Ch. Donegals Premiere Rulz |
Sire Ch. Caledonias Crowd Pleaser |
Dam Supreme Celebration of Donegal |
Dam Ch. Premieres Star Attraction |
Sire Ch. Casa Blancas Baby Boomer |
Dam Ch. Guardian Watch Mewin Gold CD |
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